Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday, April 8th, 2013 – 1:00 AM PDT – (Poetry Corner: “Scapegoats for Hire”)

So I guess it is safe to say that my project has rather fallen apart. I assure you this wasn’t my intention, but the past month I have been rather exhausted. Not to mention that studying for the Linux+ exam was much more taxing than I had expected—in fact, I pushed back the test because of that—causing my to spend my off time absorbing the information as opposed to being objective enough to critique anything. Well the past four days didn’t make matters much better. Although I knew it was coming, emotionally I wasn’t prepared for it; I found out on Thursday—before a three-day weekend no less—when my current stint at Nookland would be coming to an end. It just so happens to occur two days after my Thirtieth Birthday. Sufficed to say, the rage I have been feeling the past three days hasn’t exactly made me feel all that creative—allowing me to finally understand why Metal, Thrash and Grunge were ever forms of music. Most of what I tried to compile was mostly jibberish, except for what I am about to upload today (on a day before work). Parts of what I am above to type came to me in fragments while I was in the gym and hit me throughout the day as I attempted to study (although I wound up watching more “Star Trek: Voyager” and “Linkara” reviews than actually studying). Then, just as I was about to nod off for the night, this damn thing wouldn’t let me sleep. Believe it or not I have a poem to share. So let’s stop fucking around and get to it so I can finally sleep. He it is: 

“Scapegoats for Hire” By Yours Truly

You say we’re needed
            Yet we’re the first to cut off
You say you need our help
            But you give it to us in return
You praise us for our knowledge
            Though you claim we don’t know enough
You have no idea what we do
            Yet you say we don’t do enough
You ask for a “favour”
            But you have no idea what the word even means
            We do
Your hypocrisy is apparent
            Even when we spell it out to you
Your problems
Your Incompetence
            Become our problems
            Our Impotence
You are the capitals of the Mid-Level
            We are the bottom rung
 You don’t the point of existence
            The feeling is mutual
You don’t think you need us
            If only to serve as you Scapegoats for Hire

I’ll admit, it is probably obvious what I am writing about, considering where I work and the circumstance befallen upon me; however I am certain this could apply to any situation.

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